Thursday, January 17, 2008

Ecstatic Congratulations!

There's some wonderful news; Congratulations to Josh, Rebecca and, of course, Caleb! You have our prayers for a healthy and safe pregnancy.

(I'm going to need a new name. Any suggestions?)


Anonymous said...

My suggestion is simple and not too creative: Stay "Caleb's Gram" until the new baby is born and then change it to "Caleb and ____'s Gram" =)

not2brightGRAM said...

That'll work for a while.... until it's Caleb's and _____'s and ______'s and _____'s and ______'s and _____'s and ______'s and _____'s and ______'s and _____'s and ______'s Gram, since at some point, Dan and Elizabeth will be adding to the lineup...

And, technically, it's already Makani's and Henry's and Samantha's and August's and Caleb's and Cameron's Gram!


Maybe I'll adopt Lori's suggestion, and claim the name Puppy Gram. That's kinda cute for kids.