Sunday, June 8, 2008

How Random is THIS?!

(Phoenix airport at sunset)

Debbie and son Charlie, from Minnesota, were due to fly into California tonight to help my niece Jessica pack and move.

My son Dan (Debbie's nephew) was in Dallas for several days at a conference, and was returning home to California tonight.

Dan had to change planes in Phoenix. He was one of the last ones on the airplane. When he found his seat, he noticed someone who looked familiar.

Debbie and Charlie were in the SAME ROW.

Neither one knew the other was even flying! Randomly, they ended up on the same flight, in the same row. All Dan had to do was switch aisle seats with the guy sitting next to Debbie.

Wow. What are the odds of that?!

(Debbie and Dan upon landing in Sacramento.)


Four peas in a pod said...

Wow! that's crazy!

Rebecca said...

WOW! That is super crazy!!! I bet they were excited to meet up. Did they trade seats so they could sit near each other???
(I feel like grandma with all those ! and ? but this deserves it)

Jess(ica) said...

My mom wants to know what the odds of that really are! =)

not2brightGRAM said...

Okay, lurkers! Anyone know how to figure out the odds?
