Monday, October 20, 2008


Debbie was in town for one day only, but it was wonderful to spend seven hours with my BFF. (I didn't know what that meant until last's Best Friends Forever)

I'll always be grateful to my B.Bro (that's Bigger Brother to me) for giving me not only a great sister-in-law, but a BFF.

Thanks Dave!


Rebecca said...

And just think. . . they met in a grocery store =)

not2brightGRAM said...

Yes... over a broken jar of spaghetti. Right Deb?

This and That said...

Glad that you had a great time. I know how great is is to spend some time with your BFF. =)

Jess(ica) said...

Glad you have fun with my mom! I had no idea you didn't know what BFF meant until last week! (she's one of my BFFs too!!)

Well, I for one, am glad they met. Thank goodness for spaghetti or I may not exist! Although I am sure my dad would have come up with another goofy pick up line..