Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Jingle All the Way!

I've been singing all evening, ever since I got an email from my just-turning-one grandson! He wanted me to know that his Mommy and Daddy had purchased airline tickets to come home for Christmas from Singapore. So, we've got the date and place of arrival.

I've never enjoyed Christmas as an adult; truth be told, I've barely endured it. I've never seen that it had a lot to do with Jesus. The attention due Him always seems lost in the tinsel and tension. I love to celebrate Him all year long!

This year, I can hardly wait until December hits, even with all the traffic and to-do lists. Something much better than watching for Santa and his sleigh will keep my eyes riveted to the sky... an adorable little tanned boy named Caleb on a Boeing 777. He is the only gift I want this year!


Jess(ica) said...

How exciting that they get to come home! =)

not2brightGRAM said...

Yes, and they get into the same airport on the same day as your family! Wouldn't that be wild if it was within an hour or so of each other? We could have a mini fam reunion right there!!

not2brightGRAM said...

Just to clarify... I'll be THRILLED to see Caleb's mommy and Daddy as well!


Jess(ica) said...

I hear they get in within 20 minutes of each other! :)

christianne said...

Hey, this is great news! I'm glad you get to see Caleb. Now I just wish I lived closer so I could see Becs!

I am the MOM said...

He's so darling! My husband and I were 41 years old when our darling Granddaughter came (unexpectantly) into our lives. But I've found that we all simply love more and forgive easier now that she has blessed us with her birth.