(us at the rest area, 3-18-08)What a day we've had!
We woke up this morning and decided we needed a day off work. Since Rick took an early retirement two years ago, we've had our noses to the grindstone, building our
Offbeat business. Things haven't gone as planned exactly (in more ways than finances; children moving away, health, etc.) and I've been really blue lately. We thought a drive to the mountains to immerse ourselves in Spring and all the fresh green hills and colorful wildflowers would be comforting.
Right away, I sensed the Lord in our conversation. We talked easily of our dreams, our disappointments, our vision for our future, and how we trust the Lord to guide us. Can I just say that I am married to an amazing man?! I am so blessed to be partnered with this guy. He provides such a balance for me. I have a natural tendency to pessimism (don't look so surprised-HA!) and melancholy. The further we drove, the more optimistic I felt about things. I felt hopeful with a renewed sense of Christ's love for me.
About 40 miles up, we passed over a river bridge and noticed a little deserted rest area. Deciding to stop for a few moments, we turned off the road and doubled back to it. As we pulled into the parking lot, we saw a car tucked back out of sight from the road. It looked familiar.
(Bryan, Ces, Mia and soon-to-be-born Baby)Before I knew it, I was jumping out of the car and running toward some of our very best
young friends, Bryan and Ces! What a random meeting! A Tuesday morning, far from home, on a work day. Coincidence? I think not...
We had such a pleasant interlude with them and their tiny daughter, talking about our lives and catching up. (They have filled some gaps for us since
Bec and Josh have
moved, and Shay and Charity live a few hours off.) This dear family was out there with their canoe, fishing, also enjoying the day, and reveling in their Creator.
As we drove away, Rick and I looked at each other and just smiled. It was obvious that our Silent Passenger had spoken; we were driving, but He was directing. We can count on Him to do that with us.
Always.And that is
very comforting.
(continued...next post down)