Wednesday, September 24, 2008

If My Faith is Fraudulent

I am taking a stand on personal things in my life right now that are very costly.

If my Lord Jesus Christ is just an historical figure and his dried bones heaped in a long-lost tomb somewhere in Israel, if the Scriptures that I have believed for 34 years are merely man's musings, if the cries of my heart are not heard from above, I am making painful sacrifices for a Lie.

Anyone who thinks being a Christian is like leaning on a crutch is mistaken. It is more like diving off a high cliff and trusting that you will be grasped before you hit the canyon bottom.

I am falling, once again, into His Everlasting Arms.


christianne said...

Wow, Judi. I'm so sorry you're going through this. I'm inspired by your words, but my heart is heavy to think of what this implies about the reality you're carrying.

Four peas in a pod said...


If all your sacrifices has given you a sense of peace and joy, then hasn't this alone been worth the journey?

As a "non-believer", I am jealous that you have such certainty, or at least enough certainty to jump off the cliff. You have wonderful social support and family support in life because of your belief. That's not a crutch, that's a wonderful gift.

In love,

Your sister who jumps off a different cliff,


kirsten said...

wow. very apt. i agree.

and sigh. aching with you.

Jess(ica) said...

From my own experiences, it is definitely harder to lean on God rather than myself. I am very inclined to trust my own judgement, to trust what I feel is tangible. I agree that making decisions based on Gods will and in faith is hard... a lot harder than trusting myself. =)

3dingsandadog said...

Judi, I'm sorry if you are going through a hard time right now. I have found that these are the times that we need to trust in Him even more. I will be praying for you.