Friday, December 7, 2007

Exercise Your Right to VOTE!

Take time to review the entries in the Word Verification Game. Then, please vote (at the left) for the Most Creative Person. The winner on December 15th will receive a $10 Starbucks card!

You don't have to have played to vote; the more voters the better! But, no "stuffin' the ballot box"! One vote per person, please... Oh, and you can vote for yourself. No one will know.



3dingsandadog said...

Why isn't your name up there???

Elizabeth said...

my sister got my vote:D

i mean heck technically my votes should be hers, since she was kind of my english teacher for two years;)

Rebecca said...

Wow! Thanks, Elizabeth. That was a very sweet complement. In reality, I'm pretty sure my tutoring had less to do with it than your natural affinity toward poetry =)

Rebecca said...

So. . . I just cast my vote for a certain poetic barista, but then I remembered that said barista no longer imbibes caffeine.

If you-know-who wins the coveted gift card, perhaps she would be inclined to take her caramel-machiato-loving sister out on a date =)

not2brightGRAM said...


I stipulated in the beginning that I would be playing only for fun! And, it was fun.


If you-know-who wins, and the teacher is taken out on a date, perhaps the recess monitor might be needed to chauffeur?

And yes, I have seen the natural affinity for a long while. It has shown up in many a song. I miss hearing those. :)

Elizabeth said...

dearest sister,

i hate to correct the vocab queen in the midst of votes being taken for a word game...


your use of complement (a thing that completes or brings to perfection) was incorrect. i believe you meant compliment?(a polite expression of praise or admiration).

again, i hate to do this under these circumstances, but i couldn't resist:-X i also learned my grammar-correction skills from my lovely sister:D

but if we really want to be kind here, we can politely refer everyone to your "brain sells" post that you wrote a while back:D

Jess(ica) said...

I copied this quote from myspace and thought you all mind find it interesting since the crazy letters inspired this game =)

"The image with the crazy letters is called a Captcha and it's used to figure out if you're a person or a computer. Filling out the Captcha helps us to stop spammers and phishers"

Rebecca said...

Elizabeth, all I can say is that it's a good thing you studied literature and grammar with me, but NOT spelling. I'm a notoriously bad speller! Unfortunately for me, all the good spelling genes went to you and Dan.

Anonymous said...

Hay Rebecca (Boo) left me out on that spelling theory!!!! I have you all beat on that one!!!!!

not2brightGRAM said...

If you can write creatively, you can always clean it up with "spell check".

BUT, even if you can spell like an Ace, there's no "creative check".

So, I'm not sure being a crack speller is all it's cracked up to be!

Elizabeth said...

and then there are those who are creative AND good spellers... or those who are simply creative in their spelling...

johnna said...

How do you stuff the ballot box?
(not that I would)
I only see "Change your Vote" -not "Vote Again" or "Stuff It!"

not2brightGRAM said...

I don't know how it knows, but you can only cast one vote per computer. So, theoretically, you could vote more than once by using different computers.

johnna said...

I'm off to the library...

johnna said...

I guess it must check your IP address.
I wonder if each computer at the library has a separate IP address?
Oh, well...I guess I'll just stay home. So much for "Vote Early, Vote Often!"